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Blog – Rush Fitness https://rushfitness.co.in Chain of Luxury Gyms Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:29:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://rushfitness.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ms-icon-310x310-2-100x100.png Blog – Rush Fitness https://rushfitness.co.in 32 32 Dispelling myths about yoga https://rushfitness.co.in/myths-about-yoga/ Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:43:05 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4826
The inception of Yoga is tied back to the pre-Vedic Indian era however the substantial evolvement over time, is inevitable. As Yoga continues to gain popularity as one of the most sought after fitness techniques, so does the myth around it. Among the famous gyms in Kolkata, Rush Fitness Studios is at it to dispel the myths.

#Myth1 - Yoga is bound to one religion

Yoga is tied to ancient Indian roots of Hinduism and yoga often gets misidentified as a religion. It is much more like a science. Yoga is about exploring the inner self and not outer worship. The concepts are sometimes invoked through mantras, chants, or images of a specific deity. These are meant to awaken the dormant potential of those states of consciousness that reside within the body.

#Myth2 - Yoga minus physical fitness and flexibility is impossible

The asanas might mean convoluting postures but this does not mean flexibility and fitness are prerequisites of yoga. These come just like byproducts of yoga. No matter what body you bring to the practice.Tall or short, thick or thin, young or old, yoga is meant to adapt to you, not the other way around.

#Myth3 - Yoga is too slow and mild

Yoga is not only slow. There are various forms of yoga that range from fast to slow depending on the choice and purpose of yoga to be performed. The mind-body coordination required during yoga practice is unlike many other forms of exercise because your full attention is engaged and present in each movement. Unlike running on a treadmill while watching television, yoga engages all aspects of your being,making it more challenging than it may appear on the surface.
famous gyms in kolkata

#Myth4 - Complicated Yoga asanas are only for gurus

Some yoga asanas might require adequate and regular practice to attempt the complicated poses. After you reach a certain level of core strength and flexibility, it is time to graduate to the next level of asanas. There are preparatory asanas that are performed in parts before they are sequenced together to attempt the complicated asanas.

#Myth5 - Yoga cannot be performed with ailments

Some yoga asanas might require adequate and regular practice to attempt the complicated poses. After you reach a certain level of core strength and flexibility, it is time to graduate to the next level of asanas. There are preparatory asanas that are performed in parts before they are sequenced together to attempt the complicated asanas.
All About Yoga https://rushfitness.co.in/all-about-yoga/ Tue, 25 Feb 2020 14:23:26 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4806
Fitness in 2020 is more than just a resolution but more of a lifestyle choice. With people making more conscious choices, the number of fitness centres in Kolkata is also increasing. More and more people are rushing to premium fitness studios for overall development and Yoga seems to be one of the most sought after modes.


Yoga Classes from best fitness centres near me - Rush Fitness

There is so much to explore in the world of yoga with asanas, pranayams, and meditation to give the mind and body a holistic experience. It is about finding the perfect balance while evolving physically and spiritually. Yoga is a synergy that connects the body, mind, and soul. It is no wonder then that this ancient Indian form of physical and mental fitness has existed since 3000 BC and the knowledge has travelled the world over to other continents like the US and Europe. In short, yoga is for everyone.

What is different about yoga?

Through Yoga, hormones can be controlled. When hormones are in balance, the whole body is in balance. The beauty of Yoga is it can be taken up at any time in life and continued till any age. Flexibility improves drastically and the practice of yoga brings about a glow on the face which is different from other forms of physical fitness. The best part is, yoga can be practiced anywhere and all you require is
a yoga mat. It does not take an instructor to practice the asanas the body has adapted to. It can be practiced on your own provided you are aware of the correct posture or techniques for meditation and pranayams.
top fitness classes in kolkata - Yoga classes

Who should take up yoga?

best fitness centres in kolkata

Yoga is anyone who wants to stay fit and is willing to be patient to give time to allow the body to show results over a humble period of time. Once you practice yoga on a regular basis, the benefits will be longlasting. There are specific exercises for several ailments which can be
healed or controlled.

Controlling the way you react to situations as yoga is more about looking inwards to seek answers.

Being mentally calm and distressing is another benefit of yoga.

Yoga helps to focus over a period of time as pranayams and meditation put the mind in tandem with the right alignment of thoughts.

Another great way to achieve a positive mindset is trying something new, for instance, you may start reading a new book or play new and fascinating slots no wagering in your free time.

Pranayamas help to improve stamina over a period of time with controlled breathing techniques.

As we grow older, the body loses balance. Yoga is a great way to maintain stability and body balance. Yoga helps to understand the mind and body while having control over both. This also brings us to the point that there is no right time to start yoga. As long as you are willing to let your mind and body experience the benefits of yoga, this science is just what you need to delve into.

Rush Fitness Studios is one of the best fitness centres in Kolkata that offers a selection of fitness packages, best suited for your physical & emotional health. For more information, visit www.rushfitness.co.in

Yoga Classes from best fitness studios in kolkata - Rush Fitness
Confessions of a Gym Bag: The Must-have Things in your Gym Bag https://rushfitness.co.in/confessions-of-a-gym-bag-the-must-have-things-in-your-gym-bag/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 14:02:39 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4267
How many times have you stepped inside the locker after finishing your workout, opened your gym bag and found out that you have missed something essential? It is easy to forget things, especially if you are working in a tight schedule and it would be so much simple if you had some sort of a list where you could tick off items so that you need not tax your brain remembering everything! Here’s a perfect list to sail through rough hurried mornings and post-office workouts.
You cannot afford to miss a bottle of water in your gym bag; keep a reusable bottle handy which can be filled up before you hit the gym. This will be one life-saver which will keep your body hydrated. On a warm summer day, a soft towel is all you need to wipe up the irritating sweat from your eyebrows and eyelids. The sweaty palms on your yoga mats can be quite a bother, so always stash an extra towel just in case! Soft wipes will freshen you up in a jiffy after a sweaty and hearty workout. Do not forget a bottle of deodorant which will save you any embarrassment after a sweaty exercise regime.
Keep a nutrition bar in your gym bag; do not let your body go hungry after a workout. The body tends to get tired after exercise, so keep something to munch on after you have sweated the extra fat. Shedding those kilos does not mean that you will let your body go hungry! Always carry an extra top or a T-shirt after an intense workout session. If you are meeting friends or going for a small get-together just after you have hit the gym and have no time to change, a fresh shirt or a top can be a boon in disguise. You seriously do not want to appear in your sweaty self for the gathering; even if your friends appreciate your commitment towards fitness, a sweaty appearance can be a major turn-off!
Most gyms have showers which mean you may want to hit the shower before you head for work. Keep your favourite brand of shampoo stashed away in your gym bag. Did you hurt a muscle while stretching? Apply a bit of the pain-relieving gel from your gym bag. Women should keep their hair ties in their gym bag in case you just forget to tie your unmanageable mane!
You do not need to pack your entire house in your gym bag; keep it light, but never forget the essentials!
‘Rush’ing To Fitness- Team KKR https://rushfitness.co.in/rushing-to-fitness-team-kkr/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 13:28:39 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4266
It is not every day that you can update your social media, stating ‘working out with Gautam Gambhir’ or Yousuf Pathan or Darren Bravo. But this year, the Rush Fitness Club members had this opportunity to share the work out space with none other than the King’s men. Yes, you have guessed it right, Rush Fitness Club were the fitness partner to Kolkata Knight Riders this season and all the knights were seen spending a good amount of time in Rush Fitness Studio to keep them fit and in shape. Here is a quick look at the fitness sessions of Team KKR.
Know all About Kettlebell https://rushfitness.co.in/know-all-about-kettlebell/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 13:15:50 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4265
Kettlebell is one of the most effective exercises modalities which deftly combines the benefits of strength and cardio sessions and improves your core strength, coordination, power, flexibility and balance. It helps to reduce fat quickly and gives a proper muscle toning. This huge cast iron ball with a handle attached on its top looks just like as if a kettle handle has been attached to a ball. Exercises with Kettlebell are recommended for both men and woman of all sizes and shapes.

A brief on the history of Kettlebell


Kettlebell originated in Russia and has been in use since 1704. However, they have never been considered as mainstream gym equipments until now. Such is its flexibility, that this amazing training tool is suitable for both a beginner and a seasoned bodybuilder. There is a basic difference between a Kettlebell and a dumbbell. Unlike a dumbbell, the weight of the Kettlebell is not evenly distributed which means that you need to counter balance and stabilize during your sessions. This helps in building your core strength.

Benefits of Kettlebell


When you are exercising with a Kettlebell, all your muscle groups are evenly targeted and as all muscles are stabilized, you have a full body workout. In a Kettlebell session, your heart starts pumping which means that it translates into metabolic and aerobic benefits. In a Kettlebell session, you can lose up to 900 calories.

Why are People Opting for Kettlebell?


Most people love the Kettlebell because it is challenging, extremely efficient and you require just one equipment to do exercises. There are a number of exercises which you can do with Kettlebell. You can do a two-arm swing, a snatch or a high pull with Kettlebell. In some movements, you need to change weight from one hand to the other as the weight will swing or simply move laterally, stabilizing the body and engaging the core in a totally innovative manner. In other movements, you need power from hips and legs to move the weight which means that you have integrated whole body movements. While dumbbells are good for building muscles slowly, with Kettlebells, the whole body is involved which helps to increase your power, endurance and strength. In a recent study, it has been proven that after 8 weeks of exercise with Kettlebell, both men and women have shown significant improvements in core strength, balance and endurance.
Essentials To Achieve Your Fitness Goals https://rushfitness.co.in/essentials-to-achieve-your-fitness-goals/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 12:45:01 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4264
A Personal Trainer is very essential to achieve your fitness goals, whether it is losing or gaining weight. Having a person who is trained in exercises and has a complete know how about the entire fitness program is always a good idea.
A proper exercise, along with a balanced diet and lifestyle is the key to achieve your fitness goals. If you do not know which exercise to do in order to achieve your goal, you will never be able to achieve that. Here the Personal Trainer plays a very essential role in guiding you once you are into the gym.
You need to exercise in the right way with all the correct postures or there are high chances of you getting injured if you do not get the right techniques. A Personal Trainer prepares the right table of exercise for you and ensures that you are doing the right thing to achieve your goal.Along with the exercise, it is very important to stick to the right diet and lifestyle. The Personal Trainer prepares a right regime for you to follow, sets a realistic goal and makes sure that you reach your goals within the right frame of time.
The Personal trainer always keeps you motivated, always makes you do that extra last 10 push ups or that last minute hold. If you have an appointment with your trainer, you are unlikely to skip gym. A Personal Trainer often becomes your unsaid therapist. You will often find yourself talking about your week with your trainer. A trainer with the specific nutrition education, will provide you with the right nutritional advice to achieve your goals.
A Personal Trainer becomes your life coach on your journey to achieve your goals. Not only he is the right nutrition guide, but also he is the right encourager, without whom it is hard to achieve your goals.
Taking Care of Yourself -Mind- Body- Spirit https://rushfitness.co.in/taking-care-of-yourself-mind-body-spirit/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 12:28:47 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4263
Thanks to the huge shift in lifestyle, Yoga is a raging trend. Yoga which is an ancient form of taking care of yourself, has suddenly become a new trend in the current scenario. Researchers from across the globe are catching up on the benefits of Yoga. Find out some of the benefits of Yoga which will force you to step in to your mat.

Enhance Your Flexibility


When you hear yoga, the first word that comes to your mind is flexibility. Yoga is known to enhance your flexibility thanks to all the stretches and postures of Yoga

Builds Muscle Strength


Strong muscles are always attractive. And yoga is one of the best and healthiest options to get strong muscle and protect us from conditions like arthritis and back pain and help elderly people to maintain their balance. While working out with weights in gym helps you gain muscles, but yoga adds flexibility and balance to it.

Perfect Posture


Most of the aches and health condition is the result of bad posture. But Yoga helps in better posture and balance. The yoga postures helps in maintaining your body weight, keeping your muscles relaxed and supports your spine properly leading to a better health.

Strengthens Bone Health


Weight-bearing exercises strengthens bones and helps you fight osteoporosis. But when you are into Yoga, you need to lift your own weight which strengthens the bones of your body. Yoga also helps in reducing stress hormone which helps in maintaining calcium in the bones.

Better Blood Flow


Yoga can help you in better blood flow, especially the relaxation exercises. They help in getting more oxygen to your cells for better functioning. Twisting poses help in better circulation of the venous blood from internal organs and helps in the better flow of oxygenated blood to the different organs and parts of body.
Apart from all these benefits, yoga is known to help in better heart health and relieve depression and lead to a better and happy body, mind and soul
Your Body Loves You- Love It Back- 3 Tips to Stay Healthy https://rushfitness.co.in/your-body-loves-you-love-it-back-3-tips-to-stay-healthy/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 12:09:17 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4262
Don’t let your mind or anyone else bully your body. Body shaming is not something we should ever approve and never let anyone else decide how you look. Your body is beautiful just like your heart and soul and you should accept it the way it is, but never ever forget to keep it healthy.

Think Positive


When you have a happy heart and a positive mind, it is bound to reflect on your body. Research have shown that a happy and positive mind boost our immunity system and helps in improving our overall health. Never ever think negative about yourself or anyone else if you want to have a beautiful life. Find some quiet time and engage yourself in meditation. Meditation will not only relax you but will also help you remove all the negativity from your life.

5 Meal Ideal


Improper eating habit can lead to various health problems and so eating proper meals is the best way to love your body back. Over eating or eating after long intervals is not a healthy practice and needless to say it is never kind on your body. What you eat, when you eat it and how much you eat can affect your metabolism and elevate your energy levels steadily. Limit yourself to 5 meals day and not more than that or lesser than that. This will help you manage your weight, keep you cool, maintain your focus and avoid food cravings and overeating.

Exercise Daily


Many of us have the tendency to exercise only when there is a weight issue of health issue, but we all know, that’s not how a healthy body works. Irrespective of your age, body shape or gender, one must exercise daily. Exercising is the best way to love your body back by keeping healthy, flexible and beautiful.

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Pre-gym Habits to Keep You Fit https://rushfitness.co.in/pre-gym-habits-to-keep-you-fit/ Tue, 27 Nov 2018 11:50:20 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4261
What if we tell you, that your pre-workout habit is already hampering your work out session? Obviously you will not feel great about it. Working out session should be an essential part of one’s life, not just for a fab body, but for a fit life as well. But hitting the gym is not the only way to stay fit. Your choices and habits should be correct. Here are some of the pre working habits which you must avoid in order to stay fit.

Too much of Water


Water is an essential thing to stay fit and hydrated but too much of water just before working out session can lead to muscle cramps and even make you feel nauseating. If you work out early in the morning, it is always advisable to drink your dose of water on the previous night.

Empty Stomach


Hitting the gym empty stomach, is one mistake most of us do, but it is strictly a no-no, going to the gym empty stomach. You might feek fatigued and even restless if you work out with an empty stomach. It is always advisable to munch a little snack an hour before you work out.

Huge meal


If working out with an empty stomach is a bad habit, that does not really mean you can have a 7 course meal before you hit the gym. Never ever eat yourself to a full stomach before a work out session, because it will do you no good.

Not Stretching Out


Many of us have the habit of jumping straight into a work out session at gym, without doing your warm up or stretching. Warm up sessions and stretches reduces the risk of injury and increases your flexibility making your work out session even more effective.

Sleep Deprived


If you work out early in the morning, losing your daily dose of sleep can be a bad habit. Don’t lose sleep just to hit the gym at the right time. Adequate amount of sleep is most important to keep yourself fit and healthy.

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