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best gym in kolkata – Rush Fitness https://rushfitness.co.in Chain of Luxury Gyms Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:46:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://rushfitness.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ms-icon-310x310-2-100x100.png best gym in kolkata – Rush Fitness https://rushfitness.co.in 32 32 Dispelling myths about yoga https://rushfitness.co.in/myths-about-yoga/ Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:43:05 +0000 https://rushfitness.co.in/?p=4826
The inception of Yoga is tied back to the pre-Vedic Indian era however the substantial evolvement over time, is inevitable. As Yoga continues to gain popularity as one of the most sought after fitness techniques, so does the myth around it. Among the famous gyms in Kolkata, Rush Fitness Studios is at it to dispel the myths.

#Myth1 - Yoga is bound to one religion

Yoga is tied to ancient Indian roots of Hinduism and yoga often gets misidentified as a religion. It is much more like a science. Yoga is about exploring the inner self and not outer worship. The concepts are sometimes invoked through mantras, chants, or images of a specific deity. These are meant to awaken the dormant potential of those states of consciousness that reside within the body.

#Myth2 - Yoga minus physical fitness and flexibility is impossible

The asanas might mean convoluting postures but this does not mean flexibility and fitness are prerequisites of yoga. These come just like byproducts of yoga. No matter what body you bring to the practice.Tall or short, thick or thin, young or old, yoga is meant to adapt to you, not the other way around.

#Myth3 - Yoga is too slow and mild

Yoga is not only slow. There are various forms of yoga that range from fast to slow depending on the choice and purpose of yoga to be performed. The mind-body coordination required during yoga practice is unlike many other forms of exercise because your full attention is engaged and present in each movement. Unlike running on a treadmill while watching television, yoga engages all aspects of your being,making it more challenging than it may appear on the surface.
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#Myth4 - Complicated Yoga asanas are only for gurus

Some yoga asanas might require adequate and regular practice to attempt the complicated poses. After you reach a certain level of core strength and flexibility, it is time to graduate to the next level of asanas. There are preparatory asanas that are performed in parts before they are sequenced together to attempt the complicated asanas.

#Myth5 - Yoga cannot be performed with ailments

Some yoga asanas might require adequate and regular practice to attempt the complicated poses. After you reach a certain level of core strength and flexibility, it is time to graduate to the next level of asanas. There are preparatory asanas that are performed in parts before they are sequenced together to attempt the complicated asanas.